We're a ragtag group of people who love SciFi and all things geeky! We want to lift up individuals who also have that quirkiness & passion for those things.


We're not just looking for people who have millions of followers, we want to support those who are carrying a torch and driving those communities.




Eric Campbell is a writer, producer, professional game master, Twitch partner, and co-founder of the Streampunks LLC.

Follow them on:
Twitch | Instagram | Bluesky




Catrina Dennis is a Latine writer, producer, artist, streamer, and performer who loves science fiction and fantasy. 

Follow them on:
Twitter | Twitch | Instagram | TikTok | Bluesky




Nic Fendley is a host for Trek Central, Star Trek Online content creator, and Twitch streamer. 

Follow them on:
Twitch | Twitter | YouTube | Instagram | Bluesky 





Jay Ayers is a stroke survivor, suicide awareness advocate, co-host of the “There Are Four Hosts” podcast, and founder of The Average Streamer Society.

Follow them on:
Twitch | Instagram | YouTube | Bluesky  




Jessi is new to the Trek fandom and created Crusher Convo Podcast. She loves to deep dive Star Trek through the eyes of Dr. Beverly Crusher and the Crusher Family.

Follow them on:
TikTok | Threads | Instagram | YouTube | Bluesky  




Mike is a streamer, writer, content creator, host, and community manager. He is a co-host of @aceofgeeks and creator of The League of Swords. 

Follow them on:
Twitch | YouTube | Bluesky  





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  • For each sale, you'll receive a % commission - this is easily trackable because of your specific coupon codes.
  • Affiliates will be required to post and mention us at least once or twice a week. (MyCherryTree.com - @cherrytreeinc - #cherrytreeinc)
  • Affiliates will receive a % off on their future orders.



  • Full Name
  • Tell us a little bit about who you are and what you're all about
  • Website(s), Streaming Platform(s), and Social Channels
  • We'll let you know in a few days if your application is approved.